Fís Nua Convention, Selection Meeting and AGM

The next Fís Nua Convention and Selection meeting and AGM will take place on Tuesday, 29th December 2015, at 11:00AM am at The Western Hotel, Eyre Square, Galway City. (11am social get-together followed by official business at 2pm until 6pm)
Please respond to let me know numbers as the convention will take place in the restaurant at a Table which has been booked in my name Donal O’Riordain.
All members are welcome to submit Motions, nominations and Amendments to info@fisnua.com.
Members are requested to read and if possible debate the motions with the proposer prior to the convention so that all motions can be dealt with quickly.
Motions must be received by midday Friday 11th December 2015. Every effort will be made to publish the amendments on this page of our website at http://fisnua.com or email them to the members. Amendments to motions must be received by midday Friday 18th December 2015.
All members, out of probation, can vote at the convention and all members are invited to attend and take part in discussions. We look forward to seeing you there!

Election of FPCC

The annual election of the Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC) takes place at least annually, and thus all the FPCC positions will be chosen for the year. Would all members please propose themselves or submit nominations (please confirm that the candidate is willing to stand before submitting your nomination) by midday Friday December 18th 2015 to info@fisnua.com. The annual election of trustees will also take place for the coming year.

Postal or Email Voting————–

If a member wishes to apply for a postal or email vote instead of attending the convention, they must apply by email to info@fisnua.com, or by post to Fís Nua, , by midday Friday 18th December 2015.
The condition for postal/online voting is that the member must have attended at least one convention in person within the previous year (i.e. since 29th December 2014). Exceptions to the requirement to attend a convention at least once a year for postal vote or online vote eligibility, can be made if there are cases of personal emergency (mourning, illness, disability) at the discretion of the Convention.


Please download and read our Manifesto

Nominations for General Elections

Daniel Boyne is nominated for Dublin North West – By himself.Seconded by Brendan Kelly.
Niamh O Brien is nominated for Clare – nominated Brendan Kelly, seconded by Donal O’Riordain.
The close of nominations for decision at this selection meeting is the 18th December 2015. Clare and Dublin North West candidates, if selected, will be deemed valid for the 2016 General election. Further Nominations for Election will remain open, and a new selection meeting held when necessary.

Motions for next convention

Motion 1

Fis Nua should reject the legalisation of cannabis both George Soros GMO version and the natural version as a drug, but encourage Hemp growing for its benefits in drinks as medicine and manufacturing.

Amendment to Motion 1 from Mary Attenborough

Delete all and insert:

Hemp growing should be encouraged in Ireland as this natural plant has many benefits including its use for drinks, medicine, building and manufacturing. As a relatively low input crop organic production of hemp is possible. The current licenses required for its cultivation should be abolished and the plant should be able to be grown freely.

Motion 2

Fis Nua should reject the secular humanism / eugenics view that disabled babies should be aborted (at any pregnancy term time or length) as (according to secular humanism / eugenics) they are a result of impure or inferior races. Race means one race and not other definitions of race (as opposed to nationality) or races.

Amendment to Motion 2 from Mary Attenborough

Delete all and insert:

Fís Nua supports recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Committee in relation to required changes in Irish law concerning abortion and crisis pregnancies. In particular the state should:

  • Revise legislation on abortion, including the Constitution, to provide for additional exceptions in cases of rape, incest, serious risks to the health of the mother, or fatal foetal abnormality;
  • Adopt a national Guidance Document to clarify what constitutes a “real and substantive risk” to the life of the pregnant woman
  • Make more information on crisis pregnancy options available through a variety of channels, and ensure that healthcare providers who share information on safe abortion services abroad are not subject to criminal sanctions.

Motion 3

Ireland should adopt an aggressive expansion of renewable energy initiatives (across the country) which may include energy co-operatives and local authority co-operation and public ESCO’s. Ireland should also seek a larger remuneration on its fossil fuel exports which were badly negotiated.

Amendment 1 to Motion 3 from Mary Attenborough

Replace 1st sentence with:

Ireland should adopt an aggressive expansion of renewable energy initiatives including energy co-operatives, with community and local authority co-operation, public Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) and domestic micro-energy production

Amendment 2 to Motion 3 from Mary Attenborough

Delete second sentence

Reason: We already have policy to review all licenses including Corrib Oil and Gas (see manifesto section on Environment).

Motion 4

3 That the Dail be abolished and all TD, Minister etc pensions be ended. and that there would proper, open and transparent elections for NESC and NESC elected members in co operation with the Senad elect a government.

Motion 5

All State decisions and laws are in line with our Principles of Sustainability and International Laws i.e. The Aarhus Convention.

Amendment to Motion 5 from Mary Attenborough

Delete all and insert:

All governments should adopt the ‘Principles of Sustainable Development’ as agreed at the 1992 United Nations ‘Conference on Environment and Development’ (UNCED) – known as the Earth Summit – and the 1998 UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters – known as the Aarhus Convention. All decisions and laws should be in line with those principles and International Law.

Motion 6

That a membership fee be introduced to Fis Nua, but have it on LETS, (which would be outside the money system if people join it), alternatively they pay using euros.

This necessitates the changing of the constitution from
7.4 Membership Fees There shall be no compulsory membership fees.
7.4 Membership Fees There shall be membership fees, payable in euro’s or in any alternative currency. The Party must accept whatever form of currency is tendered be it in labour, goods, services offered or foreign currency where it is possible to exchange for the appropriate value. The FPCC will decide the level of fee required/requested.

Motion 7:

That 4.4 be inserted in the constitution:
That the minutes be completed at each convention, signed off and circulated within a week, where possible.

Amendment to Motion 7 from Mary Attenborough


Delete all and Replace with:

Insert into the Rules and Procedures Document

‘Draft minutes of a convention should: be prepared within a month of the convention; provisionally agreed by the FPCC; posted on the members website and circulated if possible. Amendments, based on the draft minutes, should be made to the policy, manifesto, constitution and rules & procedures documents and posted on the website as soon as possible. The minutes should be available for ratification at the next convention.

Motion 8:

Reword the following: Constitution Section 8.

Public Representatives shall be accountable to the entire membership of the Party, and shall undertake to represent only those policies agreed by the party
Public Representatives shall be accountable to the entire membership of the Party, and shall endeavour to undertake to represent those policies agreed by the party, and where the Party does not have a policy he/she will adopt his/her own principles. Where the Party line disagrees with his/her own personal opinion he/she is free from obligation to vote in a particular direction, but is expected to provide a satisfactory explanation for doing so. If members feel the public representative has violated principles too much, they may by way of a petition to the FPCC of 10 members call on a vote to remove the public representative from the Party.

-DonalReasoning: The original wording is far too restrictive, in that the representative can not vote at all on matters which have no policy in the party, leaving a situation where no one is directing the Country on matters arising. I feel we need to be able to trust our representatives and move away from the whip which has caused 99% of the damage to party politics in Ireland.

Amendment to Motion 8 from Mary Attenborough

Delete all and insert:

Reword Constitution Section 8 to:

Public Representatives shall be accountable to their electorate. In their election campaigns and public statements, Fís Nua candidates should only promote policies consistent with the principles of Fís Nua and which do not contradict the policies of the Party. A public representative should vote according to their own conscience and in line with their election pledges as long as, in so doing, they are not acting in contradiction with the principles of Fís Nua. Where their voting is not consistent with Fís Nua policy the public representative should provide an explanation of their actions. If members feel the public representative has been acting in a way considerably in contradiction with the principles and policies of Fís Nua, they may by way of a petition to the FPCC, of at least 10 members, call for a vote, to be held by email or postal ballot, to remove the public representative from membership of the Party. Such a vote would require a two-thirds majority of those voting for the representative to be expelled from the Party. An expelled former member can only be readmitted for membership after a motion to readmit the expelled former member has been passed by convention.

Motion 9


A Party public representative shall not accept any money, gifts or benefits in kind in connection with his/her political work without the knowledge and approval of the FPCC.


A Party public representative shall inform the FPCC and Treasurer of any money, gifts or benefits in kind in connection with his/her political work he/she accepts and return any gifts/etc. If the majority of the FPCC consider the donation/gift to be unacceptable, the public representative will be requested to return the gift/donation and failing to do so will result in automatic expulsion. The public representative is expected to comply with the law re SIPO. (Standards in Public Office.)

The reasoning is that it is simply not possible to consult the FPCC on such matters as they happen.

Amendment to Motion 9 from Mary Attenborough


Delete all and replace by:

In Section 8 ‘Public Representatives’ of the constitution reword ‘A Party public representative shall not accept any money, gifts or benefits in kind in connection with his/her political work without the knowledge and approval of the FPCC.’


A party public representative must comply with the law in relation to standards of behaviour and transparency and in particular with the requirements of the Standards in Public Office (SIPO). They should not accept any personal gifts of money, items or benefits in kind in relation to their political work. Donations or gifts made to Fís Nua nationally or to a local group or to a candidate for the purposes of electioneering will be reported and accounted for in the relevant statement of accounts.

Motion 10

Molecular biology has not identified the transsexual gene (confirmed by Ngun) Germaine Greer has stated transgender woman are still woman, and transgender men are still men. Essentially if a cat or a dog is spayed (neutered) they are still a cat of a dog afterwards, and they are still male or female. A neutered dog is not a bitch. Patients in hospital seeking organ transplant operations, leave the hospital as men and woman as they went in. Fis Nua should re-define gender as male and female only in light of the scientific and cultural evidence. Children should be protected from the fraud.

Amendment to Motion 10 from Mary Attenborough

Delete all and replace by:

Gender identity is a complex issue exacerbated by often rigid stereotyping of ‘male’ and ‘female’ roles, dress codes and behaviour patterns, especially among the young who are subjected to strong peer pressure to conform. People who suffer distress, depression or inability to form healthy relationships as a result of gender dysphoria should receive appropriate support and treatment from health professionals who are fully trained in the psychology and treatment of such problems. The solution for gender identity disorder (GID) – i.e. those people who feel that there gender conflicts with their body – is whatever will alleviate suffering and restore functionality; which may include a gender transition.

Fís Nua welcomes the passing of the Gender Recognition Act 2015 which provides a process enabling trans people to achieve full legal recognition of their preferred gender and for the acquisition of a new birth certificate to reflect that change.

Motion 11

Fis Nua should pass a motion to allow a conscience clause for any group who wish to abstain from offering a gay marriage without prosecution (without preventing other groups to allow gay marriage)

Motion 12

Fis Nua address should address the fake refugee situation (90%) which allows a legal aid scam to initiate a process for shelter. Not allowed to work legally the refugees work on the black market (and can come and go from their shelter) which is why the scams are allowed to continue. Most countries are not the first port or country of entry but they are allowed to pass due to sheer numbers. It is economic migration spurred on by (woman) extreme sexism in Islamic countries and brutal ideological theocratic states which are not free. Asylum can be granted for domestic marital disputes and other country of origin civil disputes which should be dealt with in the home country. The deception is now endemic and wage levels are also a major driver of the problem which cynically highlight the calls for more immigration. The following video highlights the immigration laws of Mexico which reflect’s the actual immigration laws of most countries and continents.

Amendment to Motion 12 from Mary Attenborough

Delete all and replace with:

Fís Nua believes that there is a need for drastic improvement in the treatment of refugees in Ireland and calls for:

  • Specialised reception centres to be provided for new refugees
  • Appropriate mechanisms should be put in place to identify particularly vulnerable individuals or those with special needs.
  • Early legal advice to be available – given or overseen by a qualified lawyer who specialises in international protection work – at the earliest stage of an asylum claim.
  • There should be an independent complaints procedure and inspections of reception centres.

Motion 13

That 6.1 of the constitution change from :
6.1 Postal Votes, Online Voting Members should be given the facility for postal or online voting for Convention motions and elections. The condition for postal/online voting is that the member must have attended at least one convention in person within the previous year. Exceptions, to the requirement to attend a convention at least once a year for postal vote or online vote eligibility, can be made if there are cases of personal emergency (mourning, illness, disability) at the discretion of the Convention. Any member who has voted by post or online must withdraw their postal or online vote if s/he decides to come to the Convention in person.
6.1 Postal Votes, Online Voting Members should be given the facility for postal or online voting for Convention motions and elections. Any member who has voted by post or online must withdraw their postal or online vote if s/he decides to come to the Convention in person.
Reason, it excludes too many people and forces travel, which is not good for the environment.

Motion 14.

That the following line from 6.1.1 change from:
Postal votes arriving to the FPCC later than 12 hours prior the start of the Convention are invalid.
Postal votes arriving to the FPCC later than 24 hours prior the start of the Convention are invalid.
People might have already started their journey and might not get the postal votes if they arrive only 12 hours before the convention.

Motion 15

That the following line from 6.1.2 change from:
Online votes arriving the FPCC later than 12 hours prior the start of the Convention are invalid.
Online votes arriving the FPCC later than 24 hours prior the start of the Convention are invalid.
Reason , same as above.

Motion 16

Remove corporate donations from 7.3
The Party will not take corporate donations. Donations over €635 in any one year will be published
The Party will comply with Government (SIPO) guidelines regarding donations.

Motion 17.

Section 7.6.3
7.6.3 Account Auditor The accounts of the Party shall be audited annually by an Auditor or firm of Auditors chosen by the Annual Convention for that purpose, and presented to Convention in a Financial Report, which should be available in advance to all members
7.6.3 Account Auditor, Officers and accounting year
If there is a requirement for public auditing, the accounts of the Party shall be audited annually by an Auditor or firm of Auditors chosen by the Annual Convention for that purpose, and presented to Convention in a Financial Report, which should be available in advance to all members.
The Calander Year will become Fis Nua’s year. Officers will be appointed for the calander year.
All money received shall be lodged into the Party’s Bank account as per SIPO guidelines.

Motion 18

That the Bank Account signatures become
Donal O’Riordáin, Brendan Kelly, Cordelia Níc Fhearraigh, Damon Matthew Wise Âû

Motion 19

If motion 17 falls, then the following become 7.6.6
The Calander Year will become Fis Nua’s year. Officers will be appointed for the calander year.
otherwise if the accounting officer changes during the calander year, it would make one person responsible for someone elses work.

Motion 20

pending motion 19 and or 17
That a new FPCC be elected.
Nominations as follows.
National Coordinator: Donal O’Riordáin
Deputy Coordinator: Brendan Kelly
Treasurer: Cordelia Níc Fhearraigh
FPCC: Damon Wise, Karen Wise Âû , Peadar O’Ceallaigh, Niamh O Brien. Suzanne O Keefe

Motion 21

A call for all quangos including NESC to be dissolved immediately and a full enquiry into all their funding to be done with the results published in the public domain.

Motion 22

Call for a referendum on a constitutional amendment to Bunreacht na hEireann to re-introduce provisions for direct democracy. Including the provision to call an immediate election when the people are not happy with the elected Government. That all decisions be made at the lowest effective level.

Motion 23

Call for the Local Government representation be increased, ideally to become as representative as it was prior to the local Government reforms recently brought in by the previous Government. But that the salaries be reduced to reflect the work done.

Motion 24

“We, the people of Ireland,remembering the past, but looking to the future aware of our Kulyana – Hawa”iian for duty and responsibility our ancestors placed in trust for us, to carry one our descendants, solemnly and without fear and malice hereby state, we Fís Nua expect Ireland to get into gear, and put s top priority to meet international obligations and start reducing and reversing carbon emissions and reverse the damage of generations of carbon footprint and ensure there will be an Ireland and planet Earth to inhabit, free from natural disaster made by human waste, in creating Climate Chaos; this is our planet, and the People of Ireland want us to meet our obligations to the planet and social justice.”
Shannon Local Group via Damon Matthew Wise Âû

Motion 25

“Fís Nua commends work being done in Europe to have an European Free Travel Pass for People with Disability, Pensioner and Carers on all publicly funded and licensed Public Bus, Train, Tram, and Metro type Services across the EU attached to the EID, and urges Ireland and the UK to catch up on roll-out and upgrade and get their heads into gear and not get left behind as a result of transport and mobility standards harmonising”.
Shannon Local Group via Damon Matthew Wise Âû

Motion 26

“Fís Nua commends the obligation for airports and airlines to co-ordinate special mobility services from February 2015, but urges better training of staff of diverse disability and mobility issues, rather then use of trainees and interns.”
Shannon Local Group via Damon Matthew Wise Âû

Motion 27

“Fís Nua supports the principal that people and communities should be democratic and accountable, and urges Ireland to create unpaid Secular Parish or Community Councils, so that issues now too far remote from the constitutions principal that politics shall be vested in the community regains some semblance of sustainable community decision-making within each town, city ward or district and significant townland around the country. Municipal Districts DO NOT equal community.”
Shannon Local Group via Damon Matthew Wise Âû

Motion 28

“Fís Nua realises the need to address real change – grass roots activism and meaningful overhaul against corruption, austerity, and unbridled greed. Our society is ill, political reform is needed; the cycles of boom and bust are a symptom of bad economics – creating artificially fuelled growth results in almost apocalyptic financial crises; and services for people with disabilities, especially mental illness.As a result the party supports and encourages the consultation and programes developed by David Egan in highlighting the kind of changes our members would consider and hope to encourage others to bring about, in the 3 documents – www.healingcentres.org/Political.doc , www.healingcentres.org/Economics.doc and www.healingcentres.org respectively, which form the basis of practical work that has been put up for policy documents.The party, to which community activism, reform, promoting environment, care and responsibility for individual and communities being active in bringing about change especially in green and social justice areas recognise these documents need to be worked from (with maybe additions or minor changes needing to be considered), with David with a view to formal adoption into policy.As such we commend them as a point of discussion with a view to putting policy formally to the members for adoption at next convention.
Shannon Local Group via Damon Matthew Wise Âû

Motion 29

Fís Nua welcome the Shannon group members, in recognising that good health and awareness involves learning practical learning of what can work, and how to apply. We wish to encourage members, both with and supportive of People with Disabilities to travel to Belgium (using the apartment, with permission) and observe economic, environmental, transportation and infrastructural changes, and how these can be applied locally towards the provision of integrated transport, cycle lanes, renewable energy and storage, and better universal access design. The idea is to encourage short trips to see and learn how things get done better and work out what practical measures we can propose. Partisan politics creates division and antagonism, while real local democratic communities, which directly learn and share and developing policy and practical solutions benefits the whole of society. We commend other local member groups to likewise find out what else can be done.
Shannon Local Group via Damon Matthew Wise Âû

Motion 30

Completely remove section 4.3 Emergency Conventions and Emergency Motion from the Fís Nua Federated Party Constitution.
The first part gives the FPCC the power to suppress particular motions/amendments. And more important, the second part of this section would not only make it easy for a small crowd to overtake the Party, it is absolutely inconsistent with our postal/email voting system as defined in the very same Constitution.