
We are a new type of political organisation that recognises the need to act collectively, locally and globally, to reduce the factors that are causing climate disruption. We envision a new, lower-consumption world of decentralized, clean energy and politically empowered communities.

A shift of political emphasis is required across all aspects of local and national government to decentralise decision-making and provide more power to local democratic institutions. National and local government bodies should concentrate on creating effective structures to better serve the needs of communities with better public transport services, improved public housing, health service, schools and community facilities and support to small and medium sized businesses and co-operatives, particularly those seeking to develop new solutions to renewable energy production, energy saving measures, waste reduction and recycling. This will ensure that jobs, shops, schools and hospitals are provided close to where people live and job creation occurs in useful and fulfilling trades and services. Not only would these policies reduce carbon emissions and reduce our dependence on oil, they would produce a better quality of life for everyone.

Besides the obvious environmental implications, we see climate change as a key social justice issue, and people in the global South face severe consequences from droughts, wildfires and major floods. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are the most energy-wasting activity on the planet today and yet the Irish government continues to allow the use of Shannon airport to support US involvement in those wars. We would reaffirm Ireland’s traditional policy of military neutrality and non-alignment and aim to get it enshrined in the constitution. We would stop the use of Shannon airport by foreign military personnel.

The Fís Nua Manifesto was decided unanimously at the Convention of the 11 September 2010 and was amended at several further Conventions.

You can download the whole manifesto here: Fis-Nua-Manifesto-April-2013(DOC) Fis-Nua-Manifesto-April-2013(PDF)