Energy & Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • Seek an all-party approach to cut Ireland’s carbon emissions by 5% annually.
  • The technologies already exist for a locally controlled, renewable based alternative energy supplies. We need to ensure that opportunities to develop those technologies are supported by all levels of government.
  • Remove limits on the fixed price tariff for wind farms, biomass and anaerobic digester power plants.
  • A tax on industrial scale carbon dioxide & other greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Expose false solutions to global warming, particularly the use of nuclear power and seek to reduce the use of nuclear power in neighbouring countries.
  • We support the Shell to Sea campaign in their endeavours to have the gas refinery moved out to sea and we oppose all new licensing for oil and gas exploration on Irish land or waters. Royalties on existing licences should be renegotiated.
  • We would review the Foreshore Act 1933 to ensure tighter controls in the granting of Foreshore Licences, to ensure that the coastal environment and the greater good of the Irish Citizens will be the uppermost priority
  • We oppose any development and practice of Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) for the extraction of Shale Gas.  We would revoke any and all exploration licences previously granted for Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale Gas Extraction.
  • No use of destructive bio fuels.

Irish Resources

  • Our lands, our forestry, our lakes, rivers and oceans are our most precious resource, and our guarantee of food sources and a sustainable future on the Island of Ireland. This includes everything above ground and below – any oil, gases, minerals or ore.
  • We would introduce a complete ban on this state selling off any of our land or the resources of this land to private investors.
  • Place the Corrib gas field, our forests and other natural resources under the control of the state where possible.

Science & Technology

  • Graduate tax credits depending on the R&D being undertaken, for example a 50% credit for original technology; a 25% credit for improving existing technology.


  • Ensure universal broadband availability nationwide and broadband availability should be integrated into the planning of all new building developments.


  • Prioritise the Dublin Metro and Luas extensions, provide Luas-type lines in Cork, Limerick and Galway and introduce commuter services on existing railway lines in Limerick and a line to Shannon. Open the western rail corridor from Galway to Derry with terminals going through Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal to facilitate passenger & freight transport.
  • Investigate the introduction of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) buses as a more cost efficient mode of transport.
  • Introduce and assist a scheme for community buses in rural areas, possibly incorporating the use of school buses in hours when they are not needed.
  • Introduce a new cycling framework using the 2009 Draft National Cycle Manual as a basis along with submissions from cycling organisations in Ireland.
  • Encourage cycling and public transport as alternatives to car transport, especially in urban areas.

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