Fís Nua Convention – Saturday 26th April 2014

The next Fís Nua Convention will take place on
Saturday, 26th April 2014, at 11:00 am
at The Oakwood Arms Hotel, Shannon, Co.Clare (11am social get-together followed by official business at midday)


Motions and Amendments      ——-


All members are welcome to submit Motions and Amendments to info@fisnua.com. Motions must be received by midday Saturday 12th April 2014. All motions will be published on this page of our website at http://fisnua.com Amendments to motions must be received by midday Saturday 19th April 2014.
All members, out of probation, can vote at the convention and all members are invited to attend and take part in discussions. We look forward to seeing you there!

Election of FPCC and Trustees         ———-

The annual election of the Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC) takes place at least annually, and thus all the FPCC positions will be chosen for the year. Would all members please propose themselves or submit nominations (please confirm that the candidate is willing to stand before submitting your nomination) by midday Saturday April 19th 2014 to info@fisnua.com. The annual election of trustees will also take place for the coming year.

Postal or Email Voting                 ————–

If a member wishes to apply for a postal or email vote instead of attending the convention, they must apply by email to info@fisnua.com, or by post to Fís Nua, 34, Sweetbriar Terrace, Lower Newtown, Waterford, by midday Saturday 12th April 2014.
The condition for postal/online voting is that the member must have attended at least one convention in person within the previous year (i.e. since 26th April 2014). Exceptions to the requirement to attend a convention at least once a year for postal vote or online vote eligibility, can be made if there are cases of personal emergency (mourning, illness, disability) at the discretion of the Convention.



Motions And Amendments

Motion 1:           ( by Ben Nutty)  “That Convention recognises Clare Fís Nua / Fís Nua An Chláir as an official group of Fís Nua”

Motion 2:           (by Damon Wise)  “The Election Task Force will ensure that candidates have received Disability Awareness                                                                    and Equality Training.”

Motion 3:    (by Damon Wise)      “We propose that the party engage in discussions with our European green, environment and social  justice parties, to explore membership of Green or Nordic Green Party European group party groupings”.

Motion 4:   (by Damon Wise)       “Shannon Local Area Green Group is concerned about recentralising into Regional Hospitals overstretched, as a result of Local and County Hospitals Maternity, Emergency and surgical facilities.  We believe that with an overstretched system and ambulance services peoples life, rights and dignity are effected.  People arriving in hospitals are dumped waiting for admission, which is a particular problem for people with mobility impairments, broken limbs, and completely unacceptable with regards to support of women’s toilet and hygiene needs.  We believe the closures should be halted, reversed, and appropriate services supplied as a matter of urgency in consultation with the networks of people with Disabilities and women in every county and city in Ireland.”

Motion 5:  (by Damon Wise)        “We believe that legislation to disolve local councils proposed to remove rights of people to have decision-making within their town and city, rather then area within a council is illegal, unconstitutional.

Citizens have equal rights in European, Internatinal treaties and under the Irish Constitution to local identity and local people consultiation and democracy.  Rights of all EU Citizens to social Ecomic and Political Rights prohibits removal of rights to vote for councils.

The Climate Change Convention, specificially Agenda 21 requires local communiies to be consulted within the community.  A community is not a Municipal District or ward of a county council.

The UN Standard Rules and Conventions on the Status of People with Disabilities, Woman, The Child and Refugees require rights consultation at all levels of government – this has not happened and the Networks around the country have not agreed to relinquish their legal rights to inclusion in decision-making as volunteers and consultation at all levels of Government.

The European Convention on Human Rights, enforced in Ireland under the European Constitutional Treaty and Charter of Fundamental Rights at Lisbon, as applied and ammended by the constitutional adoption of Lissbon 2 Referendum guarantees these rights cannot be removed or affected.

The Irish Constitution recognised the Right to representation of the panels for the Seanad – the removal of representation in the Administrative Panel by disappearance of half of the Political bodies in the requirement of both the County Council and Municipal Councils as nominees and the admittance of NCPD – the National Council for the Status of People with Disabilities Limited – the members group made up of People with Disabilities, family, carers, advocates and groups controlled by people with Disabilities who were formerly Irish Council for People with Disabilities (Limited) and People with Disabilities in Ireland Limited.

As such we call on President Higgins immediately to refuse to sign the legislation and convene the council of State and refer it to the Supreme Court where the legally empowered and authourised bodies entitle to local consultation and participation in democacry.

We also call on emergency legislation to allow the existing structures to be replaced with unpaid voluntary Town and Community Councils on par with secular Parish and community Councils , in the UK and elsewhere.”

Motion 6: (by John Pozzi)     “That Fís Nua  adopt the Global Resource Bank alternative @ www.grb.net.”

Motion 7: (by Ben Nutty inspired by Charlie Williams) “That Fís Nua opposes the TTIP” (this is the latest “free” trade agreement between the USA and the EU which is in the offing)

Emergency Motions:

Motion 8: (by Charlie Williams for our manifesto) “Fís Nua opposes TTIP and CETA negotiations with the        European Commission behind close doors. We demand transparency        in the whole negotiation processes. We oppose any undermining or        weakening of European standards by these agreements. We strictly        oppose the embedded Investor-State Dispute Settlement        (ISDS) which allows big corporations to sue governments before        secretive arbitration panels composed of corporate lawyers,        which bypass domestic courts and override the will of        democratically elected parliaments.”

Motion 9: (by Donal O’Riordáin)

“a) The Party has no money in the kitty for election  running and does not commit to reimburse any expenses.
b) I suggest that everyone take account of their  expenses.
c) If the Party does get donations for/during the  election then I move that the money will be used towards election  expenses.”

Nominations For The FPCC

National Coordinator:    Ben Nutty         (nominated by Charlie Williams)

Deputy Coordinator:      Brendan Kelly    (nominated by Ben Nutty)

Ordinary FPCC Members:      Cordelia Níc Fhearraigh, Charlie Williams, Donal O’Riordan, David Kane, Peadar O’Ceallaigh, Mary Attenborough, Damon Wise, Karen Wise, Cy O’Hara,   (all nominated by Ben Nutty)