Fís Nua Convention – Sat. 13th April 2013

The next Fís Nua Convention will place on

Saturday, 13 April 2013, 12:00 noon

in The Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 (map)

Motions and Amendments

All members are welcome to submit Motions and Amendments to Motions to info@fisnua.com.  Motions must be received by midday Saturday 9 March 2013. All motions will be published on our website at http://fisnua.com/?p=1438   Amendments to motions must be received by midday Saturday 23 March 2013.

All members, out of probation, can vote at the convention and all members are invited to attend and take part in discussions. We look forward to seeing you there!

Election of FPCC and Trustees

The election of the Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC) takes place at least annually, and will therefore take place at this convention.  The positions up for election are for Co-ordinator, Deputy Co-ordinator, Treasurer and ordinary member of the FPCC (currently four positions).  Would all members please propose themselves or submit nominations (please confirm that the candidate is willing to stand before submitting your nomination) by midday Saturday March 9th to info@fisnua.com. Also there will be an election of Fís Nua trustees.  Please also submit nominations for the position of trustee by midday Saturday March 9th and again confirm that the candidate is willing to stand before submitting the nomination.

Postal or Email Voting

If a member wishes to apply for a postal or email vote instead of attending the convention, they must apply by email to info@fisnua.com, or by post to Fís Nua, Upper Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal, by midday Saturday 23rd March 2013.

The condition for postal/online voting is that the member must have attended at least one convention in person within the previous year (i.e. since 13 April 2012). Exceptions, to the requirement to attend a convention at least once a year for postal vote or online vote eligibility, can be made if there are cases of personal emergency (mourning, illness, disability) at the discretion of the Convention.


Motions From Charlie Williams – Donegal

Motion No. 1

Motion to amend the Federated Party Constitution section 6.1 Postal Votes, Online Voting

Amend the following sentence to section 6.1:

“Party members who are eligible to vote and have applied for postal/online voting in time will be sent the ballot papers not less than two [2] weeks prior to the Convention.”


Myself I got the ballot papers for the Convention at the 21 April 2012 just around midday April 20th. In case of a postal vote it would have been impossible to send my votes back on time according section 6.1.1 of our Constitution. Even by email (online) voting this time frame is far too short – in other words this is unacceptable – and it needs to be regulated – at least – in the same manner as it is in section 4.2.3 of our Constitution when it comes to Procedure of Extraordinary Motions and Amendments.

Motions from Donal O’Riordain – Cork

Motion No. 2 Facebook moderation

That the following be added to the rules of the facebook page:

Everyone is welcome here, but please keep the discussions clean, please no personal attacks, they serve no one, we all live on the same planet we are all related as one human family, and it would be nice if we respected each other, no foul language will be tolerated.

Motion No. 3

That Fis Nua create its own internal currency for the running of the Party under a mutual credit system along the lines of sustainabile economics and that a sub comittee be formed to impliment it.

Motion from John Pozzi – USA

Motion No. 4

Fis Nua adopts the Global Resource Bank alternative world exchange system at www.grb.net.

Motions from Peadar Ó Ceallaigh – Dublin

Amendment from Mary Attenborough – Donegal

Amendment No. 2  to Motion No. 5

Delete all and replace by

After   “A town/village/parish to be given the possibility to create a community council where a portion of some locally raised taxes such as rates, second home taxes, property taxes, will be given to that community to spend locally on educational, cultural, sporting and amenity issues”

insert into Fís Nua Manifesto

” The community council should be enabled to adopt a statutory conservation plan, if so desired, through which and it can decide on licensing locally and nationally with other councils and committees, enabling increased wealth and control into the country. ”

Motion No. 5

Further to motions from Peadar Ó Ceallaigh which called for conservation plans to be made a statutory instrument, (2011) and for licenses granted by (currently) Minster Philip Hogan Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government,  Minster James Deenihan, Minister for the Arts Heritage and Gaelteacht, Minster Patrick Rabbitte Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, and the Environmental protection agency, (EPA) can become a part of a larger public committee decision. (2012) I put forward this further motion to enable the decision making process surrounding licensing to include local peoples councils in this time when local town councils are facing abolition.

Fis Nua support Political Reform (see left hand side on its website) as follows; “A town/village/parish to be given the possibility to create a community council where a portion of some locally raised taxes such as rates, second home taxes, property taxes, will be given to that community to spend locally on educational, cultural, sporting and amenity issues”.  A statutory conservation plan gives a community a statutory right (if it requires it) and it can decide on licensing locally and nationally with other councils and committees, enabling increased wealth and control into the country.

Amendment from Mary Attenborough – Donegal

Amendment No. 3  to Motion No. 6

Delete all and replace by

Local councils should prevent national monuments and protected structures from being de-listed from the national register, and instead adopt a philosophy where constructions are added to the register, increasing heritage areas, especially within Architectural Conservation Areas.

Amendment from Peadar O’Ceallaigh, Dublin

Amendment No. 7 to Motion No. 6

Delete all and replace by:

Local councils should prevent national monuments and protected structures from being de-listed from the national register, and instead adopt a philosophy where constructions are added to the register, increasing heritage areas, especially within Architectural Conservation Areas. Environmental Impact Statements and Assessments should be compulsory when applied to areas of less than 0.8 Hectares (down to 0 Hectares, especially when the area or construction is named or abutting a named or important area or preservation/heritage/ACA ).

Motion No. 6

I put forward this motion that local councils prevent national monuments and protected structures from being de-listed from the national register, and instead adopt a philosophy where constructions are added to it and increased areas of heritage areas within especially Architectural Conservation Areas are also add to the register.

Amendment from Mary Attenborough – Donegal

Amendment No. 4  to Motion No. 7

Delete all and replace by:

Zones of archaeological potential and Architectural Conservation Areas should have at least 500 metres around the national monuments and protected structures within them, and each recognised structure or area of land within it should have legal weight as a national monument or protected structure.

Where two Zones or Areas abut each other, then the 500 metre boundary should overlap and extend into other adjoining areas. These boundaries should be drawn on the maps within the national register and heritage portals.

Motion No. 7

I put forward this motion that Zones of archaeological potential and Architectural Conservation Areas have at least 500 metres around the national monuments and protected structures within them, and that each recognised structure or area of land within it has a legal weight as national monuments or projected structures. Where two Zones or Areas abut each other the 500 metre boundary overlaps and extends into other adjoining areas, and that these boundaries are drawn on the maps within the national register and heritage portals.

Amendment from Mary Attenborough – Donegal

Amendment No. 5  to Motion No. 8

Delete all and replace by

The Aarhus convention Directive 2003/4/EC should be fully ratified into the Regulations (SI No. 133 of 2007) on public participation in environmental decision-making and should take precedence over the Planning and Development Act 2010 revised. This would allow the regulations to properly serve public justice, access to information, access to justice and public participation as specified under the terms of the Aarhus convention directive. The current rule in the regulations, that costs are payable by each side, is in breach of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive. Fís Nua asks that, in the light of Judicial review changes at An Bord Pleanala, recent cases should be reviewable under the terms of the Aarhus convention. The public should be given broad scope and the benefit of the doubt that their case is a reasonable one and costs waived under the directive.

Motion No. 8

I put forward this motion that the Aarhus convention Directive 2003/4/EC into the Regulations (SI No. 133 of 2007) on public participation in environmental decision-making is fully ratified and it takes precedence over the Planning and Development Act 2010 revised, allowing it to serve Public justice under the Aarhus convention and access to information, access to justice and public participation under the directive. Currently the current rule that costs are payable by each side is in breach of the EIA Directive. We ask that cases brought under the Aarhus convention in light of Judicial review changes at an Bord Pleanala  that the public be given broad scope and the benefit of the doubt that their case is a reasonable case and costs are waived under the directive.

Amendment from Mary Attenborough – Donegal

Amendment No. 6  to Motion No. 9

Delete all and replace by:

A general election should be called without delay.

Motion No. 9

That a new political party separate from the soldiers of the Lia Fail and soldiers of the Gael be initiated called the Soldiers of the Tuatha De Danaan (to include Fir – Bolg and Fomorian ) and a general election is called without delay.

Motions from Pat Kavanagh – Wicklow

Motion No. 10

To be added to our manifesto:

“Fís Nua supports the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and are committed to the principles of sustainability therein across all levels of industry, development and environmental management in Ireland”

Reason: I proposed this wording to the Fís Nua discussion subgroup on Principles of Sustainability on 11/12/2012, and it was seconded by Charlie Williams.  This wording is based on the Principles of the Rio Declaration which is the genesis of the FSC Principles, and could also serve as the basis of Marine, Bog, or other Environmental Management principles. Throughout the deliberations of the subgroup, no other motions were put forward.

Motion No. 11

That Fís Nua joins the United Left Alliance

Reason:  As a minor party, we should be forming strong political alliances with other like-minded parties, to enhance and enjoy the strength of numbers, to share resources and to provide the electorate with a strong political alternative.

Motion No. 12

That Fís Nua takes a strong and clear stance against bullying and deals with bullying effectively. To this end, I propose that a Complaints Panel is formed of 3 members (not necessarily FPCC) who are prepared to commit themselves to, and to take on the responsibility of dealing with complaints, This panel should not have ‘in name only’ members who cannot or will not respond to complaints or correspondence, and any such half-hearted members should remove themselves from that panel. The panel should commit to and undertake training in recognising and dealing with bullying and conflict resolution, and such training should be paid for by the party.

Reason:  I have made 2 complaints about bullying behaviour which have not been dealt with at all.  In fact, my complaints were not even investigated (copies of responses to my complaints available to any member upon request).  As a result of this inaction and ongoing harassment, I have had to leave the discussion forum and block emails from members of this party.  Every reputable organisation should have a strong anti-bullying policy, and a clear criteria of how bullying will be dealt with.

Motion No. 13

Amend the following section ‘Bog Management’ in the Fís Nua manifesto:

Fís Nua believe that the designation of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) in relation to bog management was ill advised because proper consultation did not take place which we would consider a breach of the Aarhus Convention. We believe:

a) ALL the bogs in Ireland should be managed to an agreed management plan.

b) Each bog should have an elected management committee from within the local community and monitored by representatives of that community.

c) We propose those turf cutters inside and outside the present SAC designation be allowed cut their turf for an interim period until other acceptable arrangements have been found.

d) The possibility of allotting Coillte managed lands, as compensation to turfcutters in order to allow them to plant trees suitable for coppicing should be explored. This would have the potential to give them a sustainable fuel supply.

e) The idea should also be explored of leasing allotments of Coillte land to other residents who wish to become self sufficient for fuel.

To read instead:

Fís Nua believe that the designation of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) in relation to bog management was well advised because proper consultation over a 15 year period did take place which was in keeping with the spirit of the Aarhus Convention, even though it had not yet been ratified.

We believe:

a) ALL the bogs in Ireland should be managed to an agreed management plan which has been well researched, resourced and developed by the Peatlands Council, with input from ALL interested parties, organisations, stakeholders and members of the public throughout the island of Ireland.

b) Each bog should have an elected management committee comprising of local and national representatives, as well as people with particular expertise in rare ecology and E.U. Regulations, and people with local knowledge of the area.

c) We propose those turf cutters inside and outside the present SAC designation be prohibited from cutting their turf until other acceptable arrangements have been found.

d) The possibility of allotting Coillte managed lands, as compensation to turfcutters in order to allow them to plant trees suitable for coppicing should be explored. This would have the potential to give them a sustainable fuel supply.

e) The idea should also be explored of leasing allotments of Coillte land to other residents who wish to become self sufficient for fuel.


Reason: Currently Ireland is being heavily fined for breaches of the EU Directives, at a major cost to the Irish taxpayer.  The people who are illegally cutting turf for commercial gain are involved in court proceedings and Fís Nua should not be seen to condone illegal behaviour. If Fís Nua wants to participate in changing the EU Directives then they should do so through the legal options, by making representation to the EU.


Motions from Mary Attenborough, Donegal

Motion No. 14 Appointment of Auditor

Fís Nua appoints John Kilbride, FCCA as Party Auditor.

Motion No. 15 Change of Party Head Quarters

Fís Nua resolves to change the Party Headquarters to:

c/o Charlie Williams

33 Clos Phadraig


Co. Donegal

Amendment From Pat Kavanagh, Wicklow

Amendment No. 1 to Motion No 16

Amend to read:

Insert the following into Rules & Procedures.

Deletion of posts from Fís Nua Facebook page should be only be performed when the post could be considered to be potentially unlawful, defamatory, harassing, cyber stalking, disseminating false information or otherwise interfering with the rights of another Fís Nua member or member of the public or is of a nature that is likely to bring major disrepute to the Party.

In the circumstances where any one admin considers the post is potentially defamatory or potentially unlawful then the post should be hidden from the Timeline until the poster has been informed of its controversial content and asked to remove or amend it.  In the event that the poster does not wish to remove or amend it, a discussion on the appropriateness of the post should take place on the membership discussion forum, and a vote taken on the forum to allow the post to continue or for it to be removed.

Reason for amendment:  We must at all times remember that it is the membership which is the deciding body of Fís Nua, not the FPCC, which is the administrative body,  and we should ensure that the centralisation of power and decision making should not become the remit of the FPCC.

Motion No. 16 Facebook administration

Insert the following into Rules & Procedures.

Deletion of posts from Fís Nua Facebook page should be only be performed when the post could be considered to be potentially unlawful, defamatory, harassing, cyber stalking, disseminating false information or otherwise interfering with the rights of another Fís Nua member or member of the public or is of a nature that is likely to bring major disrepute to the Party.

A decision to delete a post should normally be made by a majority vote of the FPCC.

In the circumstances where any one admin considers the post is potentially defamatory or potentially unlawful then only one FPCC admin can delete the post without prior consultation. However that individual should inform the whole FPCC about the deletion with a copy of the deleted text. The FPCC should then deliberate on it and if it is considered by the FPCC not to be potentially unlawful or defamatory and that there is no other case for deleting it then it should be reposted on the Facebook page with an explanation and apology, if appropriate.

Motion from Eddie Murphy, Dublin, and Pat Kavanagh, Wicklow

Motion No. 17 Economic Treason

Fís Nua would pursue bringing into law a crime of ‘Economic Treason’, which would carry ultimate penalties.

The following motions were received after the deadline for motions for this convention. However under Section 4.3 of the Constitution, may be considered for this convention after a special vote.

Motion from David Kane, Kilkenny

Motion No. 18 

Re-instate articles 47 and 48 of the constitution of the Irish Free State, as it was written in 1922, into the current constitution. The reason for this is that it enables the people to decide simply by getting 50,000 signatures, to hold a referendum on any issue.


This is a power we don’t have anymore.  I think it is a crucial game-changer, though.

Motion from Peadar O’Ceallaigh (Dublin)

Motion No. 19

Environmental Impact Statements and Assessments should be compulsory when applied to areas of less than 0.8 Hectares (down to 0 Hectares  when the area or construction is named or abutting a named or important area or construction)

Nominations for FPCC & Trustees

Nominations from Mary Attenborough, Donegal


Charlie Williams

Deputy Co-ordinator

Brendan Kelly


Donal O’Riordan

FPCC ordinary member

Charlie Williams

Brendan Kelly

Donal O’Riordan

Peadar O’Ceallaigh

Ben Nutty

David Kane

Eddie Murphy

Nominations for Trustee

David Kane

Ben Nutty

Peadar Ó Ceallaigh

Charlie Williams

Brendan Kelly