Fís Nua Convention – Saturday 13th September 2014

The next Fís Nua Convention will take place on Saturday, 13th September 2014, at 11:00 am at The Teachers’ Club, 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin (11am social get-together followed by official business at midday to finish at 5pm)   Motions and Amendments     ...

Call For Donations

There are some costs associated with our campaign and so we would like to remind anyone who wants to help that they can donate money through PayPal. The link is below. Many...

Fis Nua Website Goes Mobile

Fisnua.com now looks great on a mobile phone. If you want to see it, just type in the url on the phone. Or scan this code (For those with tech savvy). The QR code, to give it its proper name, is a convenient way of getting people to see things quickly on their...