Fís Nua Convention – Sat. 16th November 2013

The next Fís Nua Convention will place on

Saturday, 16th November 2013, at 12:00 noon

in The Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 (map)

Motions and Amendments
All members are welcome to submit Motions and Amendments to Motions to info@fisnua.com. Motions must be received by midday Saturday 12th October 2013. All motions will be published on our website at http://fisnua.com/?p=1508 Amendments to motions must be received by midday Saturday 26th October 2013.

All members, out of probation, can vote at the convention and all members are invited to attend and take part in discussions. We look forward to seeing you there!

Election of FPCC and Trustees
The annual election of the Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC) takes place at least annually, and the current FPCC was elected at the last convention on 13th April 2013. There is however one FPCC position presently up for election and the convention will also choose a new party Coordinator. Would all members please propose themselves or submit nominations (please confirm that the candidate is willing to stand before submitting your nomination) by midday Saturday October 12th to info@fisnua.com. The annual election of trustees has already been completed on April 13th for this year.

Postal or Email Voting
If a member wishes to apply for a postal or email vote instead of attending the convention, they must apply by email to info@fisnua.com, or by post to Fís Nua, Upper Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal, by midday Saturday 26th October 2013.

The condition for postal/online voting is that the member must have attended at least one convention in person within the previous year (i.e. since 16th November 2013). Exceptions to the requirement to attend a convention at least once a year for postal vote or online vote eligibility, can be made if there are cases of personal emergency (mourning, illness, disability) at the discretion of the Convention.


Motions Submitted By Peadar O’Ceallaigh

Motion 1

Fis Nua and also to encourage all political parties in general should adopt supporting a majority decision in local councils and committees (e.g. also local agenda 21 ) which will of course function better with legally defined public participation and directly elected committee members. Town Councils and County Councils completed this public service very well and should replace Agenda 21.

Motion 2

Fis Nua and also to encourage all political parties to abide by committee decisions in local agenda 21 (with elected members) even if the decision is against green policy,climate change and the right to roam and managed land by local people themselves. It is expected local people and elected committees will choose green policies naturally using national and international legislation as a guide and not because of financial punishment.National licensing decisions should incorporate public voting as a right of public ownership and public participation by legal definition and voting should replace dictation by top down consensus and undemocratic manipulation of local democracy.

Motion 3

That Fis Nua members should be reminded monthly that membership of a second political party is not permitted

Motion 4

A study group should be formed to ascertain how much CO2 and pollution generally is generated by airplanes and the military industrial complex (Nato etc) in and around Europe in comparison to fossil fuel burning domestic appliances or fires (turf/wood/coal) in and around Europe. Are carbon credits (i.e to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or the mass of another greenhouse gas with a carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide ) chargeable to military and merchant aircraft and machinery.Does NATO or military industrial complex comply with EU/ETS.Nato as an EU based body is of course only one example.

Motion 5

National license’s for ‘fracking’ oil and gas etc or polluting of water tables and shale gas escape/pollution should be a public decision under public control (not private) and fracking should be banned by all political groups, until its safety or risk is fully determined. It is no use being energy secure if watertables and soil and permanently damaged.

Motion 6

Can the Aarhus convention and ‘access to justice’ ensure the full cost of legal actions are met by the state.

Motion 7

A study group should be formed to ascertain how much one tonne of carbon dioxide (or the mass of another greenhouse gas with a carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide ) the Gulf States (OPEC countries excluding South America) emit over a yearly period and will these emissions comply with EU/ETS or equivalent body OPEC body. Is it fair to expect the West to bear the burden of these emissions, and how can NATO and the European Commission resolve any disparity across continents.

Motions Submitted by Ben Nutty

Motion 8

“That the following procedures be inserted into section 3 of the party’s Rules and Procedures: (1) “When a member of the FPCC asks for a decision of the FPCC to be taken, in the absence of consensus, the decision must be taken within 24 hours. Any member of the FPCC who has not voted by the time that this 24 hour period has elapsed is deemed not to have taken part in the vote, and the decision to be taken is taken in accordance with a simple majority of the votes expressed” (2) “In the opinion of the Party Coordinator or in his or her absence that of the Deputy Party Coordinator, if there is a decision to be taken of such importance that it must be taken before the 24 hour period has elapsed, then a decision may be taken immediately”

Amendment 1 Submitted by Ben Nutty

Add “…by the Coordinator and the Deputy Coordinator collectively or by either one in the event of the unavailability of the other.”
And change “section 3″ to “section 2″

Motion 9

“That Fís Nua adopts the following constitutional principle: Enough is enough and enough is plenty”

Motion 10

“That quotation marks be removed from other party constitutional principles because they are grammatically superfluous”

Motion 11

“That Fís Nua form a prosperity policy group with a view to producing a prosperity policy before the next convention”

Reason: Our distinctive aims and objectives as a party necessitate a new view of what prosperity actually is and the public promotion of this could be particularly beneficial – something no other party in the country has

Motion Submitted by David Kane

Motion 12

I propose that we re-instate articles 47 adn 48 of the constitution of the Irish Free State, as it was written in 1922, into the current constitution. The reason for this is that it enables the people to decide simply by getting 50,000 signatures, to hold a referendum on any issue. This is a power we don’t have anymore. I think it is a crucial game-changer, though

Election of Party Coordinator

Nominated by David Kane: Ben Nutty