Fís Nua Convention – 26 March 2011 Results

The last Fís Nua Convention took place on

Saturday, 26 March 2011, 12:00 noon

again in The Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 (map)

Below are the results of the elections and the votes on the motions and amendments as considered at the convention

Results of the Fís Nua Convention 26 March 2011

Election of the Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee

After election the new FPCC was voted as:-

Party Co-ordinator:                                   Mary Attenborough

Party Deputy Co-ordinator:                     Pat Kavanagh

Party Treasurer:                             Cordelia Níc Fhearraigh

Ordinary member of the FPCC:  Pat Guerin

Ordinary member of the FPCC:  Ben Nutty

Election of Trustees

Brendan Kelly

Ben Nutty

Mary Attenborough


Motion No. 1

Motion No. 1 FALLEN

“In times of extraordinary circumstances where extrinisc factors determine an expident timeframe, party motions and policy may be decided outside of a convention when 20% of the membership call for a vote on a particular item, motion or policy change. The normal party rules of a 2/3 majority require for the vote to be passed.”

Motion No. 2 FALLEN

“Political reform

To create a sub section in each dail department staffed by 3 no members of the department,2 no members of existing shanead or elected by similar system to invite forum from community organizations ,buisness groups ,charitys ,trade unions ,with a max of 3 delegates and 1 no TD to generate disscussion on local ,national ,and international issues to improve dialogue and create direct communications with these groups.”

Motion No. 3  FALLEN

Motion for Manifesto (Health)

“We would promote and incentivise good health practices by having free annual check-ups and benefit-based initiatives within the Health system”

Motion No. 4 FALLEN

Motion to amend Manifesto:

Replace the underlined in this paragraph:
“Reduce the number of TDs from 166 to 130 and more than double Dáil sitting time. Abolish the un-elected Seanad. Cap elected representatives including the President’s pay to a maximum of 2.5 times the national average wage. Complete overhaul of expenses provision to elected representatives that should be capped at an appropriate level”


…. at 50% of current salaries.

Motion No. 5 FALLEN

Amendment to Budget Resolution

Replace the underlined in this paragraph

“3 Contributions from Elected Representatives

Elected Fís Nua TDs or members of Seanad shall be required to remit all of the salary they receive above €50,000 per annum to Fís Nua.”


“Elected Fís Nua TDs or members of Seanad shall make a remittance of their salary to the party which will be negotiated according to the financial requirements and committments of the individual representative.”

Motion No. 6 FALLEN

Motion to Amend Statement of Principles (Constitution)

Remove the underlined word from the following paragraph:

“We believe in the equality of every human, no matter what age, ancestry, gender, belief, sexual orientation or disability. We condemn war, violence, militarism, racism and fascism. The need for world peace and justice overrides national and commercial interests.”


We recognise the need for a civil, defence and peace-keeping military organisation for the Nation.

Amendment No. 3 to Motion 7:  CARRIED

That the 3 sentences above be separated into 3 different motions to be voted upon individually.

Motion No. 7 CARRIED (each sentence was considered separately and each carried)


Call for an investigation into the closure of our sugar plants with the view of reopening the Carlow plant as soon as possible. Re-introduce the growing of Hemp as a sustainable crop to supply the present insulation needs in the building industry. Open a plant to produce Sheep’s wool as an insulation.”

Motion No. 8 CARRIED


Launce an investigation into the failure of the Forestry industry to supply the Irish needs for timber suitable for the building industry.”

Motion No. 9 CARRIED


To use Hemp instead of short rotation plantations to supply the needs for wood pulp factories and allow the forest lands presently under the control of Coillte to either regenerate naturally or be managed by the Local Community.”

Motion No. 10 FALLEN

“Arts, Culture and Gaeltacht

That we agree to the Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge, a national strategy for the Irish language that was published in December 2010. That we also support a national education policy for the Gaeltacht and a specific Education Board for the Gaeltacht. That we agree to a support structure for families in the Gaeltacht.”

Amendment No. 4 to Motion 11 FALLEN

Delete the first part of the motion:

That a person should hold elected representation in any area of the Dáil for no more than 10 years, be it a back-bencher, TD, Minister or Senator. Once their 10 years are up they should bow out and not stand for election again

Delete the word ‘again’ and add the underlined wording so that the sentence reads:

Exclude any person from standing for election, who due to criminal activity, was dismissed from a political party. or has a criminal record which involved a prison sentence, including a suspended prison sentence, within ten years prior to the election

Motion No. 11 FALLEN

“Political Reform

That a person should hold elected representation in any area of the Dáil for no more than 10 years, be it a back-bencher, TD, Minister or Senator. Once their 10 years are up they should bow out and not stand for election again. Exclude any person from standing for election again, who due to criminal activity, was dismissed from a political party.”

Amendment No. 1 to Motion no. 12 Withdrawn

I would amend this motion to the effect that Amendments will be discussed before the motion if there is not a vote of opposition against the motion. That way time will not be wasted debating an amendment if the motion is not passed.

Amendment No. 7 to Motion 12 (not voted on – This was an oversight)

Delete, (or clarify) the sentence:

“Amendments that nullify amendments already passed will automatically fall.”

Motion No. 12 Passed

Rules & Procedures

To insert in a Rules & Procedures document the following:

“Amendments to motions shall be considered before the motion that they are amending. If any amendment is passed then the original motion is replaced by the motion as amended (or substantive motion).

Amendments that nullify amendments already passed will automatically fall.

An explanation of this procedure should appear on ballot papers.

Amendments should appear on the ballot paper immediately before the motion that they are amending.

Related motions should be grouped on the ballot paper.”

Motion No. 13 FALLEN

Amendment to the Constitution
In section 5 replace:

“The FPCC consists of the following officers:
a) the Party Co-ordinator
b) the Party Deputy Co-ordinator
c) the Party Treasurer
d) an even number of ordinary committee members
All Party members out of probation can be elected into these positions. The Party Co-ordinator, the Party Deputy Co-ordinator and the Party Treasurer have to be at least 18 years of age.”


“The FPCC consists of an odd number of committee members. All Party members out of probation can be elected to the FPCC.”

Motion No. 14 CARRIED

Motion on Removal of Party Whip System

“Fís Nua would support the inclusion into the Irish Constitution of a provision which would make it an offence for there to be any interference with the exercise by deputies of their conscientious, autonomous decision on any vote in parliament.”

Motion No. 15 CARRIED

“Decisive minority

Fís Nua would support an amendment to the rules of the operation of the Dáil which would allow a minority in parliament of 33% to insist on an inquiry into any matter and a debate on any matter, without guillotine.”

Amendment No. 9 to Motion No. 16 (not voted on – this was an oversight)

Illegal Drug Use

Amend “illegal drug use” to “dangerous drug use”

Motion No. 16 FALLEN

Illegal Drug Use

Amend the current wording in the manifesto under the heading “Recreational Drug Use” to “Illegal Drug Use” with the following text:

“Fís Nua supports the establishment of a drugs review body to undertake a full consultation process and review of all scientific, medical & sociological literature to examine the best way to deal with the problem of removing the high impact of illegal drug use on the level of criminality, deaths & ill health in our society. This would have the aim of minimising backstreet dealership, robberies & health problems associated with such drug usage. All possible solutions to this problem should be considered including decriminalisation of recreational drug users and addicts, in line with the Portuguese model. In this medical model, drug users are treated sympathetically with access to clean needles, health checkups and advice from medical personnel, access to counselling and rehabilitation programmes. We would also seek legislation to allow the prescription use of any drugs that have undertaken the required clinical trial procedures and therefore potentially allow for the medicinal use of cannabis.”

Motion No. 17 CARRIED

“Bankruptcy & Debt Easing

We would support the modernisation of bankruptcy legislation to enable people with overwhelming debts to obtain easier access to the protection of the courts. This would include the reduction of the bankruptcy period from the current 12-year period to six years and the introduction of individual voluntary arrangements as an alternative to bankruptcy.”

Amendment No. 2 to Motion no. 18 CARRIED

To remove the words ‘to The People’s Convention proposal’ from the motion

Motion No. 18 as amended CARRIED

“That FIS NUA will adhere (subject to the proposal being clarified to the satisfaction of FIS NUA) to The People’s Convention proposal that any members elected will be required to agree to ‘immediate recall and replacement if they are deemed to have failed to honour their solemn pledge of service to the people.”

Motion No. 19 CARRIED

“Fis Nua advocates continued progress toward the full implementation of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. We advocate ever closer co-operation on economic and environmental issues between both political jurisdictions on the island of Ireland, and believe that this will be best achieved in the context of an all-Ireland basis.”

Motion No. 20 CARRIED

To remove the following wording from our webpage:

“Fís Nua is not leftist, nor is it right wing, nor are we another version of the Greens. Fís Nua – New Vision – is just forward. Forward to a sustainable future.”

Amendment No. 10 to Motion No. 21 CARRIED

To replace our party Logo with another, by means of open competition.

Hold an open competition to decide on the Party Logo.

Motion No. 21 as amended. CARRIED

To replace our party Logo with another, by means of open competition.

Motion No. 22 CARRIED

“We would bring in legislation to compel all T.D’s, Senior Civil and Public Servants and Members and Senior Staff of Semi-State Boards to declare all their assets including assets and properties held in trust, and liabilities, including all loans and any guarantees on loans.”

Motion No. 23 CARRIED

To Adopt of Role of FPCC under Rules and Procedures:

“Role of the FPCC
– To accept and process membership applications
– Maintain an up-to-date database of membership information
– Organise in a timely manner regular party conventions
– Arrange dates, times, venues of party conventions
– Inform all members of details of conventions and how they should proceed with any written submissions or proposals
– Arrange necessary or recommended speakers to attend such conventions
– Maintain up-to-date records of correspondence and literature on behalf of the party
– Advise and inform the membership of relevant information pertaining to the organisation of the party
– Order agreed party literature for distribution
– Distribute party literature to any member who seeks it to promote the party
– Distribute minutes of meetings or conventions including decisions or actions taken or to be taken.
– Promote the party and encourage members to promote the party by word of mouth, rallies, active campaigning, canvassing, leafleting, attending political and information events or conventions where we can inform the public
– Oversee actions, interviews or decisions taken by members to ensure that they comply with party policy
– Formally inform any members if they are in breach of policy
– Maintain up-to-date accounts and audits on behalf of the party
– To refer all correspondence or enquiries to the relevant spokesperson or policy group co-ordinator
– To maintain a record of policy group meetings and distribute to members any information arising from policy group meetings which might be deemed relevant by that policy group
– To undertake organisational matters and the day-to-day running of the party between conventions.
– The FPCC cannot take decisions or actions which could be construed as changing party policy or creating new party policy.”

Amendment No. 5 to Motion No. 24 FALLEN

Delete the words “1. Secretary” and “2. Treasurer”

Reason: As a similar motion, (Motion 13) has been submitted, this would make both motions compatible.

Motion No. 24 FALLEN

Amend the Constitution

Amend Section 5 Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC)


“The FPCC consists of the following officers:

1. the Party Co-ordinator
2. the Party Deputy Co-ordinator
3. the Party Treasurer
4. an even number of ordinary committee members”


“The FPCC consists of the following members:

1. Secretary
2. Treasurer
3. an uneven number of ordinary committee members.”

Motion to amend the constitution

Amendment No. 6 to Motion 25 FALLEN

Add the wording ‘…or between conventions as an emergency motion’ and ‘…or emergency convention’ and delete ” and cannot be a (former) member of the FPCC in the same election period” so that the sentence reads:

“A Constructive Motion of No Confidence against any member of the FPCC can be held on a convention, or between conventions as an emergency motion. The candidate for the Constructive Motion of No Confidence must put forward her/his nomination with the motion 5 weeks prior a convention or emergency convention”

Motion No. 25 CARRIED

Article 5 Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC)

“A Constructive Motion of No Confidence against any member of the FPCC can be held on a convention.”

amend to

“A Constructive Motion of No Confidence against any member of the FPCC can be held on a convention. The candidate for the Constructive Motion of No Confidence must put forward her/his nomination with the motion 5 weeks prior a convention and cannot be a (former) member of the FPCC in the same election period.”

Motion to amend the constitution:

Amendment No. 11 to Motion No. 26  FALLEN

Article 6.1 Postal Votes, Online Voting

Do not delete the section “The condition for postal/online voting is that the member attends in person at least one Convention in a legal year, or credibly affirms to do so.
Exceptions, to the requirement to attend a convention at least once a year for postal vote or online vote eligibility, can be made if there are cases of personal emergency (mourning, illness, disability) at the discretion of the Convention.”

Insert after “credibly affirms to do so” “and has attended at least one convention since joining the Party” so that it reads:
“The condition for postal/online voting is that the member attends in person at least one Convention in a legal year, or credibly affirms to do so and has attended at least one convention since joining the Party.
Exceptions, to the requirement to attend a convention at least once a year for postal vote or online vote eligibility, can be made if there are cases of personal emergency (mourning, illness, disability) at the discretion of the Convention.”


Motion to amend the constitution:

From Charlie Williams, Co. Donegal

Motion No. 26

Article 6.1 Postal Votes, Online Voting

Members should be given the facility for postal or online voting for Convention motions and elections. The condition for postal/online voting is that the member attends in person at least one Convention in a legal year, or credibly affirms to do so.
Exceptions, to the requirement to attend a convention at least once a year for postal vote or online vote eligibility, can be made if there are cases of personal emergency (mourning, illness, disability) at the discretion of the Convention.
Any member who has voted by post or online must withdraw their postal or online vote if s/he decides to come to the Convention in person.

Delete: “The condition for postal/online voting is that the member attends in person at least one Convention in a legal year, or credibly affirms to do so.
Exceptions, to the requirement to attend a convention at least once a year for postal vote or online vote eligibility, can be made if there are cases of personal emergency (mourning, illness, disability) at the discretion of the Convention.”


As we have the option of Extraordinary Motions and Amendments (Article 4.2) it would be disproportionate treatment of members voting at conventions and members voting (by email or post) at Extraordinary Motions and Amendments. There is no point to force all members to travel to conventions.

Additional motion from Pat Kavanagh, Co. Wicklow:

Motion No. 27

Amend FÍS NUA Manifesto – Health and Social Care by

Mental Health

We would:

1. Establish an Accountable Structure: Establish a dedicated executive position within the HSE that is responsible for implementing A Vision for Change. This should be led by a Director for Mental Health Services who has executive powers, an implementation budget and responsibility to report publicly on progress.

2. Publish a Plan: Publish a comprehensive implementation plan for a Vision for Change setting out deliverables, a timeline and who is responsible.

3. Financial Commitment: Commit to raising funding of mental health services from 5% to 8% of the health budget by 2016 and ensure transparency by ring-fencing an annual mental health budget.

4. Enact Legislation: Enact legislation which protects the rights of people with disabilities and binds public and private sector employers and service providers to operate with regard to the principles of A Vision for Change.

Additional motions from Mary Attenborough, Co. Donegal:

Motion No. 28

Mental Health

Fís Nua calls for the immediate implementation, within the Health Service Executive (HSE), of the 5-point plan of the Campaign group Mental Health Reform as follows:

1. Establish an Accountable Structure: Establish a dedicated executive position at the highest level of the HSE that is responsible for implementing A Vision for Change. This should be led by a Director for Mental Health Services who has executive powers, an implementation budget and responsibility to report publicly on progress.

2. Publish a Plan: Publish a comprehensive implementation plan for A Vision for Change setting out deliverables, a timeline and who is responsible.

3. Financial Commitment: Commit to raising funding of mental health services from 5% to 8% of the health budget by 2016 and to clear reporting on mental health spending.

4. Enact Legislation: Enact legislation to improve the health service’s accountability for planning and financing mental health service reform.

5. Promote Cross-departmental Action: Promote specific cross-departmental action on mental health and the implementation of the National Disability Strategy to effectively combat social exclusion, prejudice and discrimination against people with mental health problems.

Motion No. 29

Rules & Procedures – Members’ forum and Members’ website

To insert in a Rules & Procedures document the following:

The FPCC should maintain a members’ forum and a members’ only website. Each new member with an email address should be informed of the existence of these by email (where they have informed the Party of their email). There should also be a Members page on the Fís Nua public website informing of these facilities for members.

The Full Name & method of contact for each member (as allowed for in the constitution Section 3.5 Transparency) should be published on the Members-only website.

Motion No. 30

Rules & Procedures – Policy

To insert in a Rules & Procedures document the following:

Policy Document

All longer policy items should be published under Policy on the public Fís Nua website, with the explanation ‘Our policy is the combination of those items published on our website under ‘Manifesto’ combined with longer policy statements published under this Policy section’.

It should be the responsibility of the FPCC to insert abbreviated versions of these longer policy items into the Manifesto document, if required (i.e. if no existing Manifesto item could reasonably be considered to cover the policy in question).

All such changes to the Manifesto should be published on the members’ forum. The FPCC or the member(s) concerned should raise any disagreements, not resolved through the forum, at the following convention, in the form of a motion.


We should aim to keep the Manifesto as short as possible for use for election / campaigning purposes.

Motion No. 31

Rules and Procedures – Publication of results of voting at conventions

Insert into Rules & Procedures document the following:

Results of voting at Conventions (i.e. Passed / Failed and the name of the proposer) for Motions and Amendments should be published on the members-only website and not on the Fís Nua public website.

Motion No. 32

Change to constitution – Principles to include Steady-State Economics

Insert into the Section 2 of the Constitution, Principles, before the last sentence of the 3rd paragraph on Economics.

“To this aim we support the macro-economic policy goal of a steady state economy that features sustainable scale, fair distribution of wealth, and efficient allocation of resources.”


Steady-state economics along with support for Local Agenda 21 (i.e. decisions taken at the lowest effective level) are central to the Party’s aims and define our distinctiveness from other political parties in Ireland. Both of these should therefore feature in our principles (Local Agenda 21 is already there).

Motion No. 33

Change to Constitution

Section 8 Public Representatives


“Public Representatives shall be accountable to the entire membership of the Party, and shall undertake to represent only those policies agreed by the party.”


“Public Representatives should be accountable to the electorate in their electoral area and to the Fís Nua members in their member group / electoral area. Public representatives shall undertake only to represent those policies consistent with the Fís Nua principles as outlined in Section 2 of this Constitution”


The claim to be a Federal party is unjustifiable if we insist on total centralization of all policies. Also we need to allow public representatives to listen to debate and amend their opinions based on information presented to them. However our principles must be accepted by all our members and by our representatives.

Motion No. 34

Membership Form

On the Fís Nua membership form – Section (b) of the affirmation change

(b) I support the Principles and Policies of Fís Nua


(b) I support the Principles of Fís Nua and I am not a member of another national political party


It is unconstitutional to insist that members accept all the policies of Fís Nua. The Constitution states “Membership of the Party is open to every citizen over 16 years of age who accepts the Principles of the Party and who is not a member of another party which stands candidates in national elections or of an organisation which is not acceptable to the Party”. We often invite people to join the party and help develop our policy – that also means make changes to existing policy. How can people possibly do that if they have to accept our policy in order to be members?

From Pat Kavanagh, Wicklow:

Amendment No. 8 to Motion 35

Change the underlined wording from ‘terminated/termination’ to ‘suspended/suspension’ and insert after the words ‘Any membership termination, [or continued suspension]… etc’

“The membership of a single member or an affiliated group / organisation can be terminated immediately by the FPCC if they have been shown to:
a) Not have physically signed their membership form / application for membership
b) Wilfully provided false information on their membership form / application for membership.
c) Harassed, cyber stalked, disseminated false information or otherwise interfered with the rights of another Fís Nua member or member of the public or acted in any manner likely to bring major disrepute to the Party.
Such termination will have immediate effect.

Any membership termination [ ] is subject to ratification by a 2/3 majority at the following Party Convention and should be presented as a motion (without normal notice for motions being required) from the FPCC to be considered at the beginning of the convention. Should the motion for termination of membership fail at the convention then the member will be immediately reinstated.”

Motion No. 35

Amendment to the Constitution Section 3.4 Membership Termination


“The membership of a single member or an affiliated group / organisation can be terminated by a 2/3 majority at a Party Convention. Such termination will have immediate effect.”


“The membership of a single member or an affiliated group / organisation can be terminated immediately by the FPCC if they have been shown to:
a) Not have physically signed their membership form / application for membership
b) Wilfully provided false information on their membership form / application for membership.
c) Harassed, cyber stalked, disseminated false information or otherwise interfered with the rights of another Fís Nua member or member of the public or acted in any manner likely to bring major disrepute to the Party.
Such termination will have immediate effect.

Any membership termination is subject to ratification by a 2/3 majority at the following Party Convention and should be presented as a motion (without normal notice for motions being required) from the FPCC to be considered at the beginning of the convention. Should the motion for termination of membership fail at the convention then the member will be immediately reinstated.”