Fís Nua Convention – 18 December 2010

Due to present rapid changes in our nation’s politics Fís Nua is holding an extraordinary Convention on

Saturday, 18 December 2010, at 12:00 noon

in the Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 (map)

All members are invited to attend and speak at the convention. Members who have completed their probationary membership of 3 months duration will be eligible to vote.

All motions and amendments for this convention are listed bellow.

For any further information, please contact the Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC) at info@fisnua.com, or phone 086 1934677 or 086 2771871.




From Ben Nutty, Waterford City

Motion No. 1 (approved)

“That Fis Nua sign the Center For The Advancement of the Steady State Economy Position Statement On Economic Growth.”

This has already been done by several political parties in North America and Europe

The Center For The Advancement of The Steady State Economy (CASSE) Position Statement


1. Economic growth, as defined in standard economics textbooks, is an increase in the production and consumption of goods and services, and;
2. Economic growth occurs when there is an increase in the multiplied product of population and per capita consumption, and;
3. The global economy grows as an integrated whole consisting of agricultural, extractive, manufacturing, and services sectors that require physical inputs and produce wastes, and;
4. Economic growth is often and generally indicated by increasing real gross domestic product (GDP) or real gross national product (GNP), and;
5. Economic growth has been a primary, perennial goal of many societies and most governments, and;
6. Based upon established principles of physics and ecology, there is a limit to economic growth, and;
7. There is increasing evidence that global economic growth is having negative effects on long-term ecological and economic welfare…

Therefore, we take the position that:

1. There is a fundamental conflict between economic growth and environmental protection (for example, biodiversity conservation, clean air and water, atmospheric stability), and;
2. There is a fundamental conflict between economic growth and the ecological services underpinning the human economy (for example, pollination, decomposition, climate regulation), and;
3. Technological progress has had many positive and negative ecological and economic effects and may not be depended on to reconcile the conflict between economic growth and long-term ecological and economic welfare, and;
4. Economic growth, as gauged by increasing GDP, is an increasingly dangerous and anachronistic goal, especially in wealthy nations with widespread affluence, and;
5. A steady state economy (that is, an economy with a relatively stable, mildly fluctuating product of population and per capita consumption) is a viable alternative to a growing economy and has become a more appropriate goal in large, wealthy economies, and;
6. The long-run sustainability of a steady state economy requires its establishment at a size small enough to avoid the breaching of reduced ecological and economic capacity during expected or unexpected supply shocks such as droughts and energy shortages, and;
7. A steady state economy does not preclude economic development, a dynamic, qualitative process in which different technologies may be employed and the relative prominence of economic sectors may evolve, and;
8. Upon establishing a steady state economy, it would be advisable for wealthy nations to assist other nations in moving from the goal of economic growth to the goal of a steady state economy, beginning with those nations currently enjoying high levels of per capita consumption, and;
9. For many nations with widespread poverty, increasing per capita consumption (or, alternatively, more equitable distributions of wealth) remains an appropriate goal.

For further information:

Does the CASSE Position Change with the Times?

The CASSE position has been available for e-signing since May 1, 2004. Although it was designed with global implications, it was also focused to some degree on economic growth in the United States. It was slightly revised on June 3, 2008, to reflect growing concerns about global economic growth and the need for wealthy nations to take the first steps in moving toward a steady state economy. CASSE does not modify the technical aspects of the position, as these are based on long-established scientific principles.

The original CASSE position is posted here, with the revisions readily discernible.

Motion No. 2 (approved)

“Fis Nua supports the introduction of ecological economics and three foundations to a long-term, healthy economy: (1) sustainable scale, (2) fair distribution, and (3) efficient allocation. Fis Nua would also:

1. First and foremost, adopt the right macro-economic policy goal – a steady state economy that features sustainable scale, fair distribution of wealth, and efficient allocation of resources. A prerequisite to adopting this macro-economic policy goal is a cultural shift from the pursuit of lifestyles driven by endless economic expansion and unsustainable consumerism to lifestyles driven by the search for long-term prosperity and sustainable consumption that fulfills people’s needs.

2. Maintain an exemplary network of conservation areas, sufficient in size and diversity to ensure the long-term provision of vital ecosystem services.

3. Encourage voluntary population stabilisation, and aim for a long-term population size that enables a high standard of living for everyone without undermining ecological systems and the life-support services they provide.

4. Gradually reset existing fiscal, monetary, and trade policy levers from growth toward a steady state. For example, manage the money supply and redevelop the tax system with the new macro-economic policy goal as a guide.

5. Limit the range of inequality in income and wealth, including both a minimum and maximum allowable income. Implement tax reforms to tax “bads” (e.g., pollution and depletion of natural resources) rather than goods (e.g., income from wages).

6. Develop a commons sector to accompany the public and private sectors. Within this commons sector, assign property rights for commonly held resources (e.g., the atmosphere, mineral resources, and forests), and establish public trusts to manage those resources for maximum long-term public benefit.

7. Employ cap-auction-trade systems in the commons sector for allocating basic resources. Set caps based on biophysical limits. Use auctions to distribute rights to extract resources. Equitably redistribute auction payments through public trusts. Implement a trading system for extraction rights to achieve efficient allocation of resources to those uses with the highest demand.

8. Establish a more flexible working day, week, and year to provide more opportunities for people to decide how to use their own time and to alleviate employment pressures.

9. Overhaul banking regulations, starting with gradual elimination of fractional reserve banking, such that the monetary system moves away from a debt structure that requires continuous economic growth.

10. Adjust zoning policies to limit sprawl and promote energy conservation.

11. Continue to monitor GDP, but interpret it as a measure of the size of the economy. Use other indices to measure economic welfare and social progress, such as the Genuine Progress Indicator and the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW). Use the Steady State Economy Index to indicate proximity to a sustainable steady state.

12. Prevent unconstrained capital mobility so that financial resources are more directly tied to the real assets they represent.

13. Work toward full internalisation of costs in prices (e.g., costs associated with environmental protection and fair labor laws), and adopt compensating tariffs to protect efficient national policies of cost internalisation from standards-lowering competition from other countries.

14. Institute policies that move away from globalisation and toward localisation to conserve energy resources, provide high-quality local jobs, and maintain local decision-making authority.

15. Limit the scope of advertising to prevent unnecessary demand stimulation and wasteful consumption. ”

Motions to amend the Fís Nua Manifesto

Motion No. 3 (approved)

“Demerge banks that are “too big to fail” to reduce the risks of systemic failure.”

Motion No. 4 (approved)

“Segregate financial markets by separating activities such as trading and retail banking.”

Motion No. 5 (approved)

“Gradually eliminate all “exotic” financial instruments.”

Motion No. 6 (approved)

“Create a secure, accessible local banking system for people by growing the role of post offices.”

Motion No. 7 (approved)

“Enhance support for the local economy by expanding the range of smaller-scale “friendly” sources of finance.”

Motion No. 8 (approved)

“Introduce complementary, multilevel currencies to provide credit in tune with the needs of regions, towns, cities and neighbourhoods, whilst helping to inoculate the economy from systemic financial shocks.”

Motion No. 9 (approved)

“Create new public money, free of interest, to cope with unprecedented financial emergencies, and as the basis for loans to rebuild the infrastructure of productive local economies.”

Motion No. 10 (approved)

“Encourage the introduction of time banking, LETS systems and other measures to enhance the core social economy”

Motion No. 11 (approved)

“Pay for energy transition and fuel poverty with a windfall tax on the unearned profits of the fossil fuel companies to provide a safety net for those in fuel poverty, and to help finance the country’s transition to clean energy.”

Motion No. 12 (approved)

“Introduce / extend moratoria for housing crash victims, overhall social housing and establish Community Land Trusts.”

Motion No. 13 (approved)

“Clamp down on corporate tax evasion by clamping down on tax loopholes and corporate financial reporting.”

Motion No. 14 (approved)

“Increase stability and raise resources with currency and financial transaction taxes e.g. a Tobin Tax or a Robin Hood Tax.”

Motion No. 15 (approved)

“Hold accountancy firms accountable with respect to the economic welfare of the nation.”

Motion No. 16 (approved)

“Place the Corrib gas field, our forests and other natural resources under the control of the state where possible.”

Motion No. 17 (approved)

“Create asset-backed finance for investment, including Limited Liability Partnerships.”

Motion No. 18 (approved)

“Reappraise pension fund allocation to manage future energy supply risks and build resilience by investing in asset-backed energy infrastructure in Ireland.”


From Pat Kavanagh, Wicklow Town

Proposals for Manifesto

Motion No. 19 (approved)

“No 3rd Level Fees: We have a world reknowned standard of education in Ireland. Students from all walks of life come here not only to study their subject, but to improve their English and to absorb the Irish culture. We would build on our reputation by developing and encouraging a world class Education system for International and European students, and by enticing European students with a no-fees policy. The knock-on effect of this would be a huge boost to our economy, services and rental property market.”

Motion No. 20 (approved)

“We would immediately remove fluoride from our main water supply.”

Motion No. 21 (approved)

“We support a Robin Hood/ Tobin Tax (FTT) on international banking transactions.”

Motion No. 22 (rejected)

“We would revisit the Brehon Laws and how these laws would enhance our own Judicial system, i.e retribution instead of punishment in some cases.”

Motion No. 23 (approved)

“We would immediately scrap the positions of garda drivers for all TD’s, except for An Taoiseach and the Minister for Defence, and instead set up a Bureau for Corporate Crime, to speed up the process of bringing white collar criminals, including bankers, developers and politicians involved in the bankrupting of this country, to swift justice.”

Motion No. 24 (approved)

“We would develop and encourage public participation in political decision making by putting in place legislation and systems to hold People’s Conventions (public information and debates) in every town and city, whenever major government decisions needed to be taken. The actions of our politicians would be informed by public consensus decisions taken nationally at official People’s Conventions.”

Motion No. 25 (approved)

“We would support legislation and systems of Direct Democracy, whereby the signatures of a % of the population could call for a constitutional referendum, or bye-election to replace or recall a public representative.”

Motion No. 26 (rejected)

“We would develop legislation to make it illegal to smoke in the presence of children under 12 years of age.”

Motion No. 27 (approved)

amend the following:

“Regulation of recreational drug use, including the decriminalisation of the user, and the removal of dealers by having recreational drugs dispensed by GPs and clinics. The user would have access to pure drugs, clean needles, health checkups and advice from medical personnel, access to counselling and rehabilitation programmes. Socially, this would go a long way to preventing backstreet dealership, robberies, health problems etc.”

to say instead:

“Decriminalisation of recreational drug users, in line with the Portuguese model. Drug users would be treated sympathically within the medical model with access to clean needles, health checkups and advice from medical personnel, access to counselling and rehabilitation programmes. Socially, this would go a long way to preventing backstreet dealership, robberies, health problems etc. We would also seek legislation in favour of the medicinal use of cannabis.”

Motion No. 28 (rejected)

Amend the following:

“Ensure that student- teacher ratios do not exceed 15:1 at primary and secondary levels”.

to say instead:

“Ensure that class size ratios at Primary and Secondary level do not exceed 24:1″ (Too many people are confused between student:teacher ration and class size)

Proposals (to develop) for our Constitution:

Motion No. 29 (approved)

That we establish a Complaints Procedure and a complaints process to deal swiftly, efficiently and satisfactorily with any and all complaints about Fís Nua or it’s members.

Motion No. 30 (approved)

That all proposals for our constitution and/or manifesto will be supported by relevant, up-to-date research and commentary. (This will protect our elected spokespeople from having to defend unfounded or unsubstantiated proposals and/or claims.)

Motion No. 31 (approved)

That we amend Paragraph 3.2 as underlined:

Groups or organisations can affiliate to the Party if confirmed by the Party Convention with a 2/3 majority. The group applying for membership must lodge its constitution and policies with the Party Coordinating Committee (FPCC) at the time of application and also report on any changes to said constitution and policies to the FPCC. Groups may become affiliated to the Party if they accept the principals, aims and objectives of the Party and are not members of any other political organisation which stands candidates in national elections, or of an organisation which is not acceptable to the Party. Each affiliated group must have a group contact person, treasurer and spokesperson. Affiliated groups should have at least 4 meetings per year and consist of not less than 4 full members.

Motion No. 32 (approved)

That we amend this sentence in Section 8 as underlined:

Public Representatives shall be accountable to the entire membership of the Party, and shall undertake to represent only those policies agreed by the party.

If any members wish to email Pat regarding these proposals or amendments to same prior to the Convention, her email address is 1patkavanagh@gmail.com


Resolutions and amendments to the Constitution from Mary Attenbrough, Co. Donegal

Motion No. 33 (approved)

Fís Nua Budget for 6 month period to 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

1 Expenditure (€)

Stationery & Postage 600
Publicity & Advertising (1) 28,000
Telephone 600
Travel 1,000
Audit & Accountancy 500
Internet 100
Bank Charges 100
General Expenses 1,000
Total 31,900

2 Income (€)

Donations 3,900
Fund raising events 28,000

(1) Including 600,000 leaflets assuming 60,000 leaflets for each of at least 10 constituencies.
(2) For the income we are assuming that we do not receive any state funding within this period
(3) Any monies received in excess of this budgeted amount of €31,900 for this six month period will be distributed to member groups of Fís Nua in a manner to be determined by the FPCC, subject to ratification by the membership in the first instance and by the convention.

3 Contributions from Elected Representatives
Elected Fís Nua TDs or members of Seanad shall be required to remit all of the salary they receive above 1.5 times the current average industrial wage, to Fís Nua.

Motion No. 34 (approved)

Policy Groups

Fís Nua resolves to establish policy groups. These should cover all the current ministerial areas which are:
Education and Skills
Health and Children
Justice and Law Reform
Foreign Affairs
Social Protection
Tourism, Culture and Sport
Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Enterprise, Trade and Innovation
Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs

All members should be asked to join these policy groups and all groups are open to all Fís Nua members.

A proposal to amend the group names (and hence their area of interest) may be made by a majority vote of the FPCC. The entire membership of the Party should be informed of the proposed change and, providing not more that 5% of the membership object, the policy groups will be changed accordingly. The policy groups should be co-ordinated by a policy co-ordinator who will be elected by the policy group.

The policy groups may propose spokespeople to represent the policies of Fís Nua in relation to the group’s area of interest. All spokespeople will be proposed to the FPCC. The FPCC will inform the entire membership of the proposed spokesperson appointment. If not more than 5% of the membership of the Party object then the appointment of the spokesperson will be deemed confirmed. Spokespeople may also be appointed or removed at Convention with a 2/3 majority.

Motion No. 35 (approved)


The Irish government should provide grants to help establish local currency / complementary currency schemes. These schemes should also be linked together through a national network and local councils should accept payments in local currencies.

The Irish government should also establish a National Redevelopment Community Fund to make available loans or advance payments to community organisations, small start-up enterprises, and existing small businesses to use as seed capital to make use of NAMA sites and ghost estates. Facilities, which currently lie vacant, should be made available to them at reasonable rates for the purpose of developing their businesses or for development as community or educational resources. The initial loan could either be repaid over time on a pre-agreed basis or the resulting finished facility could be part-owned by the state on completion of the development.

Those organisations in receipt of the National Redevelopment Community Fund should be encouraged to employ those currently unemployed and to encourage the use of local currencies, wherever possible, in sourcing local materials and payment for services.

Amendments to the constitution

Motion No. 36 (approved)

Amendment to section 3.2 Groups and Organisations

Change “Groups or organisations can affiliate to the Party if confirmed by the Party Convention with a 2/3 majority.”

“Groups or organisations can affiliate to the Party if confirmation of membership is recommended unanimously by the FPCC. The FPCC should then inform all members of the Party and the group or organisation affiliation will be confirmed if no more than 5% of the party members object to that affiliation. Confirmation of group affiliation may alternatively be sought at a Party Convention where it will require a 2/3 majority.

Motion No. 37 (approved)

New section 6. Finance & Trustees
(and renumber accordingly)

Only the Party nationally shall have the right to use a bank account in the name of Fís Nua. Other bank accounts held by member groups shall always be named explicitly with the name of the group to which it belongs.

6.1 The primary sources of funds shall be:
(a) profits of fund-raising events;
(c) donations and bequests;
(d) contributions from the salaries of elected representatives;
(e) such funding as may be available from state or EU finances.

6.2 The proportional share of these sources to be allocated to member groups shall be laid down annually in the Fís Nua Budget resolution. The Budget shall be introduced in the form of a resolution to Convention by the Party Treasurer

6.3 The accounts of the Party shall be audited annually by an Auditor or firm of Auditors chosen by the Annual Convention for that purpose, and presented to Convention in a Financial Report, which should be available in advance to all members.

6.4 Trustees:
(a) The Convention shall elect three Trustees who shall take up office upon such conditions as to tenure as may be determined by the FPCC.
(b) The property and assets of the Party shall vest in the Trustees on their appointment for the period of such appointment and, in the application of such property and assets, the Trustees shall be subject to, and comply with, directions of the FPCC. In the event of the Trustees or any of them refusing to comply with such directions the FPCC shall be entitled to remove said trustees or any of them from the office of trustee of the Party.

6.5 The Party Trustees shall receive agendas and minutes of the FPCC, and may attend meetings of the FPCC.


Motion to amend the Federated Party Constitution from Charlie Williams, Inishowen, Donegal

Motion No. 38 (approved)

New section 4.2

4.2 Extraordinary Motions and Amendments

4.2.1 Extraordinary Motions and Amendments can be voted on by the members of the Party without holding a Convention when

a) the FPCC decides

b) or at least 15% of the Party members inform the FPCC in writing

c) or at least 15% of the Party groups / organisations inform the FPCC in writing

4.2.2 Extraordinary Motions and Amendments concerning this Federated Party Constitution must not be proceeded.

4.2.3 FPCC members can only be elected at a convention.

4.2.4 Extraordinary Motions and Amendments are organised by the FPCC.

4.2.5 Proceedure of Extraordinary Motions and Amendments

a) Extraordinary Motions and Amendments are voted by email or by post.

b) Extraordinary Motions and/or Amendments, as well as the proceeding structure and timetable, must be sent to all members of the Party 5 weeks prior the deadline of the vote by their preferential method of invitation for constitutions, by email or postal, and have to be published on the Party’s homepage at the same time.

c) All members will be given time for amendments and for selection of their preferential method of voting, by email or postal, until 2 weeks prior the voting deadline. All amendments will then be sent to all members of the Party by their preferential method, by email or postal, and have to be published on the Party’s homepage at the same time.

d) Extraordinary Motions and Amendments have to suspend and are agenda of a convention When the FPCC decides or members decide according Article 4.1 b) until 2 weeks prior the deadline of the vote.

e) Articles 6.1.3 and 6.2 apply. The FPCC decides and publishes location and time of the countings.

f) Postal or email votes arriving at the FPCC after the given deadline of Extraordinary Motions and Amendments are not valid.


We all can save on travelling time and resources if we can agree on politics via an open and transparent alternative way. As Fís Nua members provide each other at least with one method of contact, members have the ability to correspond and make decissions in other ways than having to travel themselves. If the FPCC or 15% of the membership are unhappy with a decision made by Extraordinary Motions and Amendments they are given a three weeks deadline to suspend and call a convention on the issues. The time frame is similar to conventions.


Motions from Dr. Marcus de Brun, Rush, Co. Dublin

Motion No. 39 (rejected)

The creation of a Chief Executive oficer to arbitrate debates prior to FPCC decisions on such matters arrising in the course of discussions between party members.

5.Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC)
The Federated Party Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC) coordinates the Party between Conventions, plans the Conventions and represents the Party between the conventions. The FPCC is elected annually at a Party Convention using a preferential Single Transfer Voting.

The FPCC consists of the following officers:
a)the Party Co-ordinator
b)the Party Deputy Co-ordinator
c)the Party Treasurer
d)an even number of ordinary committee members

Proposed change.:

The FPCC consists of the following officers:
a)the Party Co-ordinator
b)the Party Deputy Co-ordinator
c)the Party Treasurer
d)an even number of ordinary committee members

Motion No. 40 (rejected)

Proposed Constitutional Change:

8 Public Representatives
A Selection Meeting for candidates for election shall be called by a member group of the Party if it covers the entire electoral area concerned. If more than one group exists within an electoral area or no group exists within an electoral area the FPCC shall call a meeting of any members within the electoral area.

Change to:

8 Public Representatives
A Selection Meeting for candidates for election shall be called by a member group of the Party if it covers the entire electoral area concerned. If more than one group exists within an electoral area or no group exists within an electoral area the FPCC shall call a meeting of any members within the electoral area. If no affiliated member group is in existence within an electoral area, individual party members can apply to the FPCC for permission to stand as electoral candidates. This permission will be granted or denied as per majority vote of the FPCC. Selection granted by FPCC vote can similarly be rescinded by FPCC vote.

Motion No. 41 (rejected)

Proposed constitutional change


A Party representative shall be required to remit whatever portion of his/her remuneration to Party funds as is decided beforehand by Convention in the Budget Resolution, subject to the principle of equity and opposition to careerism and political profiteering. A Pledge shall be signed to this effect on adoption as candidate, as drafted by the National Coordinator and approved by the FPCC.


A party representative will have the choice to remit whatever portion of his/her remuneration to Party funds he or she so decides. Information pertaining to party renumeration from the salaries of elected representitives shall be made available to all party members and shall be published on party litterature and website.

Motion No. 42 (rejected)

Ammendments to our manifesto

I propose that the stated drugs policy be reworded from:

” the decriminalisation of the user, and the removal of dealers by having recreational drugs dispensed by GPs and clinics. The user would have access to pure drugs health check ups etc etc……..”

to state the following:

” a referendum on decriminalisation of the user and a comprehensive re-evaluation of present methadone treatment and existing treatment programs, with appropriate law reform in this area to include an evaluation of the merits of dispensing alternatives to methadone from designated cinics.”

Affiliation of Health Reform Now with Fís Nua

Motion No. 43 (rejected)

Pleased find attached the constitution for Health Reform Now and please accpet our application for affiliation with Fis Nua


From Ben Nutty, Waterford City

Motion No. 44 (approved)

“That Fis Nua supports an immediate and structured debt-equity swap in relation to the debts of the banks of The Republic of Ireland owed to bondholders”

Motion No. 45 (rejected)

“That Fis Nua supports the withdrawal of the Euro as the main unit of currency of The Republic of Ireland and supports its replacement by a national unit of currency”

Motion No. 46 (approved)

“That Fis Nua supports the creation of steady-state economies”




Amendment from Liam Johnston, Dublin 7

Amendment No. 1 (approved)

Motion no. 6

Add “and Credit Unions” so that the motion reads

“Create a secure, accessible local banking system for people by growing the role of post offices and Credit Unions.”


Amendments from Charlie Williams, Inishowen, Donegal

Amendment No. 2 (approved)

Merge motion no. 14 and motion no. 21 to one single motion no. 14:

“Increase stability and raise resources with currency and financial transaction taxes e.g. a Tobin Tax or a Robin Hood Tax.”

Both motions mean the same. Motion no. 14 is more detailed.

Amendment No. 3 (approved)

Motion no. 33


“3 Contributions from Elected Representatives
Elected Fís Nua TDs or members of Seanad shall be required to remit all of the salary they receive above 1.5 times the current average industrial wage, to Fís Nua.”


“3 Contributions from Elected Representatives
Elected Fís Nua TDs or members of Seanad shall be required to remit all of the salary they receive above €50,000 per annum to Fís Nua.”

It is not quite clear which statistics should be taken to adjust that amount of money. E.g. According to the CSO the average weekly earnings of industrial workers in Ireland was in 2006, €624.45 for men, €451.12 for women, That’s between €23,458.24 and €32,471.40 per annum. A clearly defined cap would be more transparent and avoids disputes between elected candidates and the Party. The amount of €50,000 can always be changed at future conventions if it would need adjustment. €50,000 is about half of the annual basic salary of a TD.

Amendment No. 4 (approved)

Motion no. 37

Embed proposed new section 6 Finance & Trustees into the existing constitution section 7 Finance. Renumber proposed articles 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5 as follows, 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 7.5.4 and 7.5.5

The existing article 6 of our constitution deals with the voting procedures. A full section 7 Finance already exists. All articles concerning finances should be kept in one section.

Amendment No. 5 (rejected)

Motion no. 45


“That Fis Nua supports the withdrawal of the Euro as the main unit of currency of The Republic of Ireland and supports its replacement by a national unit of currency”


“Fis Nua supports a parallel national unit of currency for The Republic of Ireland.”

The total withdrawal of the Euro could make Ireland’s imports unaffordable for ordinary people. E.g. 95% of our fuel is imported. As long as there is no alternative energy strategy in place the Irish people depend on fuel imports. Dramatically rising prices for fuel (and other) imports hurt the most vulerable the most (“fuel poverty”). A parallel and local currency can do both, enhance and stabilise local economy, and avoid poverty of the people in need.


Amendments from Mary Attenbrough, Donegal

Amendment No. 6 (approved)

Motion no. 23

(Grammatical change)
Replace “TD’s” by “TDs”

Amendment No. 7 (approved)

Motion no. 25

Replace “bye-election” by “by-election”

Amendment No. 8 (rejected)

Motion no. 28

Replace “24:1″ by “20:1″

Amendment No. 9 (approved)

Motion no. 29

replace “it’s” by “its”

Amendment No. 10 (approved)

Motion no. 33

Remove the word “Industrial” so it reads
“Elected Fís Nua TDs or members of Seanad shall be required to remit all of the salary they receive above 1.5 times the current average wage, to Fís Nua.”

Amendment No. 11 (rejected)

Motion no. 38

Change to
“4.2.1 Extraordinary Motions and Amendments can be agreed by the members of the Party, without holding a Convention if:
Acceptance of the Motion or amendment is recommended unanimously by the FPCC. The FPCC should then inform all members of the Party and the motion or amendment will be confirmed if no more than 5% of the party members object to that motion or amendment.”

Amendment No. 12 (approved)

Motion no. 45

Replace with
“Fis Nua supports the future withdrawal from the Euro as long as, in so doing, there would not be caused any further destabilisation of the economy. The government would first need to resolve issues around the banking crisis and reduce government reliance on international loans from the European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Prior to withdrawal there should be a referendum on the issue and, if withdrawal is confirmed, then the Euro would be replaced by a national unit of currency”

Amendment No. 13 (approved)


Correct any other spelling or grammatical errors throughout all motions/amendments


Amendments from Pat Kavanagh, Wicklow Town

Amendment no. 14 (approved)

Motion no. 6


“Create a secure, accessible local banking system for people by growing the role of post offices.”


“Create secure, accessible and ethical local banking systems for people by growing the role of post offices (and credit unions).”

Amendment no. 15 (approved)

Motion no. 33


“3. Contributions from Elected Representatives
Elected Fís Nua TDs or members of Seanad shall be required to remit all of the salary they receive above 1.5 times the current average industrial wage, to Fís Nua.”


“3. Contributions from Elected Representatives
Elected Fís Nua TDs or members of Seanad shall be required to remit all of the salary they receive above 1.5 times the current average industrial wage, to Fís Nua, following reimbursement of vouched election campaign expenses. The Party will thereafter fund any necessary expenses incurred in the delivery or promotion of the Party or party policies.”
